Sun 12 Jan
___ HUGE _ MASSIVE __ AMAZING __ Giant __ Ultimate __ TITS __ 36 HH __BUSTY XXTREME - 30
(22nd/ I-ten)
-- If she doesnt have time for u or answer ur call I WILL ! so let Maci take care of U !-- - 30
(Tucson, 22nd / freeway)
(22nd & Craycroft Tucson Private Residenc)
♡♥♡♥ come see this soft big A-$-$☆Italian and black◇ beauty◆♧♣☆sexy new pics♡♡♥♥ - 26
(Tucson, 22nd and I -10)
Sat 11 Jan
❤ ∞IC∞OC∞ B E T T E R ❥ THAN ❥ YOUR ❥ G i R L F R i E N D 💜$A๓๓Ï㉫💜ID#299635 ❤ ∞812-3036∞ ♋ - 23
(22nd and swan, Tucson)
EXCLUSIVE 2 GIRL SPECIAL BOYS!ready for the rub down of your life? come take a load off. ;) - 26
(Tucson, 22nd and the freeway/motel6)
up late no games no drama~~ I Don't Claim Perfection But I Do Promise To Give It My All ~~ - 30
(Tucson, 22nd /freeway)
____ I dont Claim Perfection but I do Promise to Give it My ALL _____ 5208788267 - 30
(Tucson, freeway & star pass/ 22nd)
*Beautiful Classy Lady!* The Womanly ART of PLEASING a Man! Leave Satisfied 💯 - 26
(Close to Downtown- 22nd & I-10, Tucson)
💙 T•A•K•E 🎈A 🎈 N•A•U•G•H•T•Y 🎈 L•I•T•T•L•E 🎈 D•E•T•O•U•R 💙 Sammi 299635 (520)812*3036¸.• - 23
(22nd and Swan MUST HAVE APP, Tucson)
TASTY 💋💋 Beautiful 💋 Sexy 💜💛 Young 💜💛 Just 💋 4 💋 U💋$A๓๓Ï㉫💋812-3036 - 23
(22nd and Swan appointment ONLY!, Tucson)
Fri 10 Jan
_ _ UPLATE_ _ _ _ A_ _ _ s_ _ _ I_ _ _a_ _ _ N_ _ _ _ B_ _ a_ _ B_ _ _ e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ UPLATE_ _ _ _ - 21
(Tucson, starpass and 22nd st - in/out)
I've been described as something between toe curling and WTF!!! 💋 - 45
(Tucson, Wilmont & 22nd. Let's Get Are Party On)
~~~**~ I Don't Claim Perfection But I Do Pronise To Give It My All ~~*~ - 30
(Tucson, freeway/ 22nd star pass)
Exclusive Mixed Puerto Rican Black Provider 38 dd's 75/150 Special Unrushed 100% Satisfaction - 21
(Tucson, Out / In Call (22nd /starpass & I-10))
*60*60_ ( ( ( Come PLAY with ME - Great specials - ) ) ) 22nd/craycroft -5208788267 - 30
(Tucson, craycroft/22nd)
80..160 ....sPeCiaLs ¡!!¡¡¡!! ThE PeRfEcT ChOiCE !!! ____** a. S.i. A.n ** S.e. N.s.A.t.I .o.N * - 24
(Tucson, starpass & 22nd - In/out)
°°°°$60 specials available for the rest of hurry take advantage of this sweet one time ° - 24
(22nd, Tucson)
SoMeThiNg NeW JuSt FoR YoU ... LaTiNa LoVeRs At YoUr OwN RiSk ... AdDiCtIVe CaNdY ! avaiLabLe NoW - 22
_ _ N_ e_ W_ _ _ p_i_ c_ _ s_ _ _ _ _ _ 36 DD'S_ _ _ A_ _ S_ _ I_ _ A_ _ N_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - 21
(Tucson, starpass and 22nd st - in/out)
~~ NEW GoRGeouS ☆° BruNeTTe LaTiNa NYMPHo ☆° FuN FreaK ☆° tHe bEsT In Town - 22
(22nd & I -10 (Hosting))
:♡:. HOT mixed BEAUTY! .:♡:. NEW in TOWN! .:♡:. FREAKY and KINKY! .:♡:. 80 - 23
(Tucson, INCALL OFF 22ND AND I-10)
SoMeThiNg NeW JuSt FoR YoU ... LaTiNa LoVeRs At YoUr OwN RiSk ... AdDiCtIVe CaNdY ! avaiLabLe NoW - 22
______ _________ ___ Sexy ASIAN 36dd's : ★ BUSTY SWEETHEART ★ _________ _________ ____ - 21
(Tucson, starpass and 22nd st - in/out)
**_ I dont Claim Perfection but I do Promise to Give it My ALL _ **22nd/Craycroft - 30
(Tucson, craycroft/22nd)
TASTY 💋💋 Beautiful 💋 Sexy 💜💛 Young 💜💛 Just 💋 4 💋 U💋$A๓๓Ï㉫💋812-3036 - 23
(22nd and Swan appointment ONLY!, Tucson)
!! ThE PeRfEcT ChOiCe !!! ____** a. S.i. A.n ** S.e. N.s.A.t.I .o.N *__ !!! TaLeNtEd & ReViEwED !!! - 23
(Tucson, 22ND & STAR PASS - IN/OUT)
~~**~~ I Don't Claim Perfection But I Do Promise To Give It My All lt ~~**~5208788267 - 30
(Tucson, freeway/ 22nd star pass)
Thu 09 Jan
~~~**~ I Don't Claim Perfection But I Do Promise To Give It My All ~~* 5208788267 - 30
(Tucson, freeway/ 22nd star pass)
ツ *✰* Star*✰* All Around aDDiCtiOn ツ INCALL & OUTCALL 100 Rose Special - Visiting - 21
(Tucson, off I-10 & 22nd (A Mountain))
New Hot Exotic Caucasian-Ebony mixed Babe--day and night incall specials - 19
(tuscon, I-10 22nd St)
~~**~~ I Don't Claim Perfection But I Do Promise To Give It My All lt ~~**~ - 30
(Tucson, freeway/ 22nd star pass)
*Beautiful Curvalicious Lady!* The Womanly ART of PLEASING a Man! Leave Satisfied 💯 - 26
(Close to Downtown- 22nd & I-10, Tucson)
_____( B¡NG TH¡§ _BÅD_ NVR FLT = §ÕÕÕÕ = GÕÕD ) Special$ ALL DAY !_______ - 22
(Tucson, 22nd an freeway)
💋💓💋T U C S O N💋💓💋 ➡ 1000% Me DOESN'T Get Any REALER than THIS! ⬅ 💋💓💋 24Hrs➡ Late Nite SPEC - 23
(In/Out TUCSON Off I10 & 22nd, Tucson)
____ I Don't Claim Perfection But I Do Promise To Give It My All !_____up early - 30
(Tucson, I-10 / 22nd)
Wed 08 Jan
💙 T•A•K•E 🎈A 🎈 N•A•U•G•H•T•Y 🎈 L•I•T•T•L•E 🎈 D•E•T•O•U•R 💙 Sammi 299635 (520)812*3036¸.• - 23
(22nd and Swan MUST HAVE APP, Tucson)
;););)COME HAVE THE tIME OF your LIFe sexy Italian & black woman;););););) - 26
(Tucson, 22nd & freeway)
║█║NAUGHT¥ HØTT¡€ ►►►T╠╣e §W€€T€§T CH€€K§◄◄◄ *Small waist *Pretty Face ≋★≋ A TƦu€ PL€ÂS€Ʀ! ║█║ - 20
(Tucson, i10 22nd st)
--- New location ( ( ( *60 special *60 special *60Special ) ) ) __ craycroft/22nd ---5208788267 - 30
(Tucson, Craycroft/22nd)
♥🔜💯🚘 ⇖✘⇗ 💞✰= 🚚✓【 New IN TOWN 🚦】✓✘⇗💞💞💘 ❌✓【 💯%MEN LOVE ME!】*ღ ☏₵αℓℓ m€ツ - 20
(Tucson, 22nd and Tucson blvd)
♡G♡F♡E♡ Highly Reviewed, Young, Sexy and Experienced Playmate! ♡G♡F♡E - 20
(22ND nd CRAYCROFT tucson, Tucson)
ೋ _* _ P_U_R_E _ *_ ೋ _* _ P_L_E_A_ S_U _R_E _ *_ ೋ SPECIALS - 22
(Tucson, 22nd & i10 *EARLY BIRD SPECIALS*)
-- -- I Don't Claim Perfection But I Do Promise To Give It My All ! -- - ready now ! - 30
(Tucson, 22nd /freeway)
Tue 07 Jan