Thu 09 Jan
;-) *** !!! Unforgettable experience with me? !!! *** ;-) (520)275-1586 or (520)351-2687 - 25
(Tucson, tucson, az)
== ♥ == ( • V I R T U A L • ) = = ♥ _S_E_X_Y_ ♥ _R_E_A_L_ ♥ = = ( • G I R L F R I E N D • ) == ♥ == - 24
(Tucson, With you 24/7)
🍯 Sweet Like Honey 🐝 Irresistible Asian Playmate 👉🏼#1 Available Now! 🌻 - 22
(East Tuscon in/out, Tucson)
SPECIAL! I LOVE TO KISS! Sexy,Submissive, Mature, Full Figured with an Open Mind! - 44
(Tucson, 29th and Alvernon or Outcall)
SPECIAL! Sexy,Submissive, Mature, Full Figured with GREAT LEGS an Open Mind! - 44
(Tucson, 29th and Alvernon or Outcall)
‼️SPECIAL‼️ 👑💎Sweeter than the Rest 😘😍better in person 💦💋Super Juicy BigBootyAmber 💎😍 - 21
(Tucson, North INCALL ONLY)
SPECIALS!! 💓 Im BACK and READY to Make YOU Smile 😘 Gorgeous and Simply the BEST!! - 37
(Incall/outcall, Tucson)
ツ *✰* Star*✰* All Around aDDiCtiOn ツ INCALL & OUTCALL 100 Rose Special - Visiting - 21
(Tucson, off I-10 & 22nd (A Mountain))
ReD HOT 🌲ChRiStMaS🌲 SpEcIaL WiTh 💋 NICKIE LYNN 💋 LiPs Of A GoDDeSs ... 100% SaTiSfAcTiOn...🌲🌲 - 29
Ready for fun 24 hours (credit cards good too) aaaggggghllnite 602-456-9949 - 26
(Tucson, In and out)
**•°NEW SEXY LADY°•**in call n out calls^^Aubrey^^^ SeXy Playmate!! Dont Miss This ;) - 21
Naughty Never L👀ked So Nice😜 💯% M£ oR iTs Free‼️ I enjoy providing UPSCALE💎 companionship - 20
(central Tucson (InCall & Outcall), Tucson)
Nadia!!! Your#1 Dream Vixen here in the flesh100% Real and Reviewed - 20
(Central tucson in and out call, Tucson)
NEW PICS!!! 100% Real and Reviewed...NEW PICS. NEW PICS - 20
(Central tucson in and out call, Tucson)
New To The Area Knock out Skills= = SweeT + jUiCy Only here For a Short Time - 23
(Tucson, In & Out., E Broadway By Park Place Mall)
Need A story to TELL... call me and I GOT THE one for you to TELL.... 100% REAL AND independent - 23
*¨☆*: * MY W3T JUCIEY* .... IS R3ADY N0W!!__{ xXx NEW EbOn3Y PLAYMATE!!!! }¨☆*: - 19
(ALL TuCsOn >>> INN/OUT CALLS 24/7)
★《 LuCky YoU Def NoT aN AnGeL》5★★★★★ #1 SiNNeR★ (HERE ONLY ONE NIGHT )★ - 22
(Tucson, south tucson in/out)
New ★ _ E _ X _ O _ T _ I _ C _ ★ _ B _ O _ M _ B _ S _ H _ E _ L _ L _ ★ New - 20
(st.marry &i-10;)
Natural companionship with your fantasy NSA girlfriend: Local, Beautiful, Sweet, Fun Sensual & smart - 26
(Tucson, Tucson In/Out- NO hotels)
Naughty but nice Afternoon delight💋💋goregous vixen 🎁.....NADIA - 20
(Central tucson in and out call, Tucson)
*MIDWESTS BEST* ~You Won't Believe How This Farmers Daughter Behaves~ - 37
(InCalls only - Tucson, Tucson)
█▒█ █ 💥New CALI Girl $100 SPECIALS!💥 █ █💖 💜[100% THAI] 💜💋Curvy [A❤S❤I❤A❤N❤] Beauty 💋█ 💖 █ █ - 21
hey guys happy tgif, I'm hott and ready for you now! My name is Candy 80$dont miss out call me now - 22
Hey Guys Its Sexy TWINKLE And Its My Last Day In Town So Please Enjoy It With Me~ $60 incall Special - 22
(Tucson, i 10 and INA)
IM BACK THE BADEst BLACk BARbie 1000% Me or im Free !!! specails now in and out calls 24/7 - 23
(my place or yours)
~~**~~ I Don't Claim Perfection But I Do Promise To Give It My All lt ~~**~ - 30
(Tucson, freeway/ 22nd star pass)
****_____ Good at being Bad_____ **** _____ Wild & Fun_____ ****Sexy Sweet & Seductive!!!! - 21
(Tucson, Tucson, In or Out)
HOLIDAY SPECIAL! I LOVE TO KISS! Sexy,Submissive, Mature, Full Figured with an Open Mind! - 44
(Tucson, 29th and Alvernon or Outcall)
°•* ☆ ( =F_L_¡_R_T_Y= _ ★ _ = WeLL ReV iEwEd = _ ★ _ =B_€_@_U_T_Y ™ )☆ °•* - 24
(Prescott, your place or mine)
GOT WHAT IT TAKES TO MAKE YOU SHAKE*** 100% REAL {BLONDE} :* ☆ *: Sexy & Ready :*★ - 24
(Tucson, out calls mainly incalls @ river n !st)
Far From Average Close To Perfect!!💎💎! Lets play😉 ! Available NOW! Dont Miss Out💋💋💋💋 - 23
(Tucson, Outcall/Incall)
---------Hairy Girl Fantasy----Visiting Tucson----Ready For Adventure--------- - 21
(Tucson, Tucson and Phoenix Outcall)
Happy new years eve!!! lets start this year off right and have a blast doing it 😜 special 50 - 20
hey guys this is nikki up all night with 100hh 150hr specials ((-520-213-5679-)) - 24
(Tucson, tucson outcalls only)