Sat 11 Jan
60 ** FLAT ** Special ** Come Relax in My Hot Tub and Leave Refreshed ** Leaving at 2pm - 38
❤..($50) ..HOLA PAPI...❤..103rd AvE & GRAND/103rd Light/BEHIND AMPM/(12.6.30 N 103RD AVE #144 - 22
(101w @ 103rd LIGHT / BEHIND AmPm, Phoenix, West Valley)
ALEXIA AND AKIYA...Alexia & Nicki, Alexia & Morgan! April 19th thru 23rd Happy Easter! - 26
Daily Fantasy Sports For Cash Make Money With your Computer Or Cell Phone With Daily Fantasy Sports - 30
★*— U n F o R G e T t A b L E *— ★—*—H o T T i e —WiLd FuN 24*7 uP all NIgHT! - 23
(Tucson, I10 congress ic/oc)
💋ẠVẠłŁẠBŁẸ🍹🌹 ₦Ø₩ 🌟 €BONy queen 💎👑 8O$qk/120$hh $PE₡łẠŁ$💚ŦØP ₦ØŦ₡Ҥ💝🌹MØ$Ŧ🎉🍭₩Ạ₦Ŧ€d - 21
(Tucson, Tucson &. Surroundings)
★★★★★•:*:• *VIP SeRvIcE •:*:• BeAuTiFuL •:*:• ExOTiC LATiNa•:*:• 5 STaR SeRvIce•*•★★★★★ - 23
Sugar & Spice - Let me pamper U!
(Flagstaff, Mohave, Phoenix, Prescott, Show Low, Sierra Vista, Tucson, Yuma, In your arms ;))
sexy young hottie amazing body and face 💰💰amazing late night specials 100hr 150hr💰💰520-230-0303 - 25
(Tucson, tucson outcalls only)
sexy,young,and has. AMAZING,BODY👌👍with me you will be spoiled & not rushed!great $pecials💰📞 - 21
(East Valley, Phoenix, TEMPE)
💋💄💎silky smooth brunette *•-:¦:-•* SeXXy Seductive BRUNETTE* ★ * :¦:-•* REAL PICS! 💋💄💎 - 21
(Tucson, southwest)
🔻🆕SPECIALS🔻Big Booty Green 👀 Incredibly Sexy💯 Let me show u how things R supposed 2 be - 28
(Grant and Fairview, Tucson)
NeW aNd ViSiTiNg 🌟 •°•°•{TRUE AMERICAN COMPANION}•°•°• 🌟 💖 ~Gorgeous + Blonde + Blue Eyes~ 💖 - 20
❤New 32D BUSTY & Petite Asian 😍The Ultimate Experience! Lets Have Some Fun NOW;) 💋❤ - 21
(Tucson, ((Tucson Incall All Day/Night!)))
🌸❤🌸❤🌸new arrived 🌸❤🌸❤🌸Real Hot Asian Girl🌸❤🌸❤🌸Tucson 🌸 ❤🌸❤🌸Hot Girl 5204339310 - 23
(Tucson, Tucson hotel 1 on 1)
:☠⎝ ◕ ‿ ◕⎠█MOST ♥ EXOTIC ♥ FUN ★ YOU ★ WILL ♥ EVER ♥ HAVE █⎝ ◕ ‿ ◕⎠☠ - 21
(Tucson, OuTcAlL SpecialS)
____ I dont Claim Perfection but I do Promise to Give it My ALL _____ 5208788267 - 30
(Tucson, freeway & star pass/ 22nd)
☆☆ ☆ I wIlL dO wHaT OtHeR gIrLs WoN't Do ☆☆☆ - 30
(Mohave, Phoenix, Show Low, Sierra Vista, Tucson, Tucson outcall, Travel anywhere)
*~~ I am Being A Bad Girl ~~* Off Work For Two Days So I Came To Play *~~ - 38
(Tucson, INA ~ i *10)
Happy Holiday! Alexia Dior- I am running a Christmas special until next week! - 28
(Tucson, CENTRAL)
good morning boys!!! Up 24 hours a day 520-314-6003 C/Cards are ok too - 28
(Tucson, tucson in and out)
°•°• BiG BoOty ♥°•°•♥((LuV€rS)) L (o) (o) k === ♥AmAzInG_★_ CurVes ~~~ @LL Ov£r - 23
(Tucson, I-10 & speedway)
Avail all weekend 60$ Hottie♥•°60$ ReAdY all DAY♥•*Call NOW!!! INCALL special - 22
(Tucson, oracle rd /Incall/)
AVAIL NOW! HoT FRI SPeCiALS,Sexy MiXeD FreaK With The JuiCY BooTY!Lets Hav a Nasty GooD TimE - 23
(Tucson, north)
*¨¨*·-:¦:-·* __B__R __ E__A__T__H __T__A__ K__ I__N__G__ *·-:¦:-·*¨¨* - 22
(Tucson, Incall // Outcall 24/7)
Your 1 & only kinky big booty Fire Cracker ready2please 702+601+7483 - 22
(Mohave, Mohave, Laughlin/// bullhead)
(♕ ♛ YoUR DReAM GiRL)