Wed 08 Jan
;) Ready for the weekend ;) START WITH SOME me Jasmine»»» - 19
(tucson(all areas)in-call& out-call)
Beautiful Britney 👯Young &Gorgeous;! 💝 Tucson 😘 Outcalls & Incalls!!!!! 😍 Ready Now 🌟 Specials!! - 21
(Tucson, Prince & Ft Lowell)
Let me warm you up with my Sexy ,Sensual and Erotic massage here . Available now!!!! - 24
(Tucson, grant and Oracle area)
PERFECT ➓ █ ▇ ▆ ▃ ▂★ ☆ TS-JAZMIN★▂ ▃ ▄▅ ▆ ▇★S ☆ T ★ A ☆ R★▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂★H ☆ O ★ T ☆ T ★ I ☆ E ★ - 24
I Know How T0 KEEP REAL" BECAUSE I Don't know How TO KEEP FAKE 36DD Femenine And Wild 7 DAYS A WEEK! - 24
(Tucson, Downtown tucson...)
The HOTTEST,SWEETES and Most passabla Ts "BARBIE" IS Waiting to please you (520)227-0172; - 24
Video Avail.💋PARTY GIRL💋AMAZING BODY, 9" & VERY NICE Round A.S.S "Alicia will make U ROCK HARD" - 27
(Phoenix, east phx incall/outcall anywhere)
SUPER HUNG, dominant,sexy 100% real pics! TS! Available NOW!! In Tucson Airport - 25
(Tucson, TUCSON AIRPORT (South Palo verde Rd))
*** Oh!! Give thanks for a HOT TRANNY like JANET!!! 36D'S & 7 reasons to make you beg PLEASE!!!**** - 25
(East Tucson)
Want Out of the Life? We Can Help. 1-800-551-1300
(Flagstaff, Mohave, Phoenix, Prescott, Show Low, Sierra Vista, Tucson, Yuma)
XXX Porn star Mandi Boom Boom as seen on Playboy channel Visiting Woody's night club jan 30 - 30
"If you want the best SEXIEST,HOTTEST N Most PASSABLE "ts BARBIE" Forget abt t REST (520)227-0172; - 24
💋 Erotic touch here . I can help with the stressed ;-)avaible all day - 25
(Tucson, West side st marys)
Tue 07 Jan
"IF U WANT THE BEST" forget about the Rest Ts *BARBIE IS Ready to PLEASE U call NOW (520)227-0172; - 24
Visiting Last Day Dont Miss Out Chocolate Treat Ts Film Star Mysa Delrio Google Me - 27
(Tucson, tucson/downtown)
Friday Special !!Sexy ,Sensual and Erotic massage here . Available now!!!! - 24
(Tucson, grant and Oracle area)
the best deal ever ❤️❤️❤️ Especial del dia $ 80 one hour - 24
(Flagstaff, Incalls & outcalls (760)884-2147, Phoenix, Prescott, Tucson, Yuma)
"If you want the best SEXIEST,HOTTEST N Most PASSABLE "ts BARBIE" Forget abt t REST (520)227-0172; - 24
💋 Erotic touch here . I can help with the stressed ;-)avaible all day - 25
(Tucson, West side st marys)
💋Good Girl Gone Bad🍌🍆🌽🍭🍓 VISITING... So, don't miss out ... VISITING - 26
(north central Tucson, Tucson)
♥HOT n Exotic BBW TS GINA back in TUCSON sexy THICK LATINA gurl (specials jst today)♥ - 24
(all over tucson)
❤ The HOTTEST,SEXIES & Most PASSABLE Ts BARBIE is ready 2 PLEASE you CALL me (520) 227-0172; - 24
(Tucson, All Tucson)
"IF U WANT THE BEST" forget about the Rest Ts *BARBIE IS Ready to PLEASE U call NOW (520)227-0172; - 24
** AVAILABLE NOW~Dont Miss OUT!! ** ^^TS AMORA the TOP NOTCH hormone free TS with a BIG suprise!! ^^ - 19
(Tucson, Tucson/Speedway)
💓Available Thanksgiving Day 💓 for your sweet cravings🍭🍰💋5203638733💋 - 24
(Tucson, West side st marys)
REAL TS •✿•*¨♥¨*• HISPANIC D✪LL (¯`'• ★•'´¯) THE B✪MB (¯`'• ★•'´¯) DR✪P DEAD G✪RGE✪US •*¨♥¨*• - 24
(Tucson, Downtown tucson...)
Let me warm you up with my Sexy ,Sensual and Erotic massage here . Available now!!!! - 24
(Tucson, grant and Oracle area)
☆★☆★ →→HOT- SEXY- REAL-1000% PASSABLE←← & Of course the best over the rest ★☆★☆ - 24
Mon 06 Jan
《《《《《《♡♥♡♥ STUNNING TRANSEXUAL ♥♡♥♡》》》》》》Back in town "Call now" (520) 338-5924 - 24
(Tucson, Downtown tucson...)
(NOT TS, POSTED IN WRONG CATEGORY) ((((((((( ***Yazmin*** (760) 272-8769 - 26
(Tucson, out call tucson)