Mon 27 Jan
__________ __________ sooo hot!!! _______ 36 DD'S ASIAN nEW pics _________ __________ ¸ All naturaL - 21
(Phx North, 1-17 incalls and outcalls **Sneak Away!)
SWEET👅💦🍭 & SEXY🍓💋☺️Petite Perfect Compainship💕✨💕✨💕✨ 100 Specials - 25
(Tucson, speedway and the I10)
___ ST⋓NNiNG ____ JAW DROPPiNG ____ BOMBSHELL____ ( ( JUST ARRIVIED) ) - - 22
✋SToP RiGHT TheRe✋👄HuRRyy CaLL Meeeee👄 ouTcaLLss ONLY🌟LonG TimE 🌟 no SeE🌟 🇩ⓔŞ🇹ℹ🇳Ÿ 🌟 - 26
(Tucson, Tucson outcalls)
sExY ♡ video 👄 48eez 👀 bBW 👅 sExY tHiCkaLiCoUs koko wAnTz u2 pUsH iT! - 38
(Phoenix, Phx North, Scottsdale)
Sexy super busty latina ready for you outcall 100% natural - 26
(Phx North, Phoenix, Scottsdale, Tempe, Sun City,)
~ * ~ Stop ~ * ~ look ~ * ~ BOOTY meat * ~ Blonde ~ 36 DD ~ ANY better? ~ LOOK ~ dime breed ~ - 20
SPECIAL 70 ____ _____ _____Red Carpet Treatment. ............. Come Be My King _____ ____ SPECIAL 70 - 19
(Tucson Az)
💜🌹🍭SPecIaLs⇶║ LET MY N:A:U:G:H:T:Y ║║ iMAGiNATiON ║ ║ TAKE Y:O:U OVER ║ _____ ⇶║ THE EDGE ║ ExOtiC - 22
(Tucson, OutCalls Call Now)
‼️Special‼️ 👑💎sweeter than the rest 😘😍 even better in person 💦💋 beautifully juicy BigBootyAmber 💎😍 - 21
(Tucson, north incall only)
SLiℹ🅿🅿e®¥ 💞*90QV* 🍯TIGHT⭐🌟⭐ ⓝⓐⓤⓖⓗⓣⓨ 🎡 🆓💗💋 THICK αnd DRIPPING 💯% NEW |N T0WN 💋 - 20
(Tucson, Valencia.Tucson.29&Main.IN;&OUTCALLS;)
@Specials!! Specials!! 120 Kisses 4 Two Beautiful, Mature Honeys 120 Roses Special! - 35
(Incalls and Outcalls)
Stacie is central again~~anybody want to Play~~CALL ME NOW!! ask about my specials - 40
(Tucson, congress and the freeway)
SPECIAL's!! *'"*CuRvY bRuNeTte *'"*HeRe To PlEaSe*'"* Nikki 520-392-2646 - 25
**£*£- _- _- SeXy fReAKy BlonDe _- _- _ (SunDay SPeCial$) _- _- _- () {{ NeW In TowN}*£*£*£* - 22
(Tucson, East Tucson)
Sexy~ young ~Wild~ Gorgeous Native American ready to blo your mind!!!! - 21
(Tucson, east in/outcall)
♧☆♧☆sexy Thick italian and black beauty with a big BOoty ready for u♡♥♡♡ CALL NOW - 26
(Tucson, Starr pass and la cholla)
♥♥sexy exotic Hawaii and black waiting for you what are you waiting for ♥♥♥ new PICS ;-);-);-) - 26
(Tucson, Starr pass and l-10)
AVAILABLE UNTIL. NOON.... (( sExY bLuE eYeD bRuNeTTe )) ** (( aLwAyS rEaDy TO PLAY )) ** - 24
((Real Pics)) G -- O --R -- G -- E -- O -- U -- S » -(¯`v´¯) - » L-- A--T-- I-- N -- A» -(¯`v´¯) - 19
(Tucson, starrpass & freeway)
~ ~RED * HOT * SpeCiAL* CALL Now * LiMiTeD AvaILAbLe ~ ~ - 40
(Tucson, North east side/ Out calls all over town)
______ ► ► PRESS HERE TO PLAY ◄ ◄ Jenna - 23
(East Valley, OUTCALL (Mesa, Chandler, Phx, Gilbert))
____ S U P E R **____ ** F R-- E A K Y super special!!! - 24
✰🔥💄💟 S E X Y 💎🌸 🔝N0TCH 👑《 🍭P E T I T E 👙》》❥🍦 〓 [SwEET🍓 ] 〓 [[TiGHT👅]] 〓 [JUiCy💦🍑]] - - - 21
(East Tucson, Tucson)
💋Petite💋 Beautiful💋 Exotic💋💋 Ready Now👉 - 23
(Central/South Phoenix, In/Out Calls 24/7, Phoenix, Show Low, Sierra Vista, Tucson, Yuma)
☆ SeXy ☆ As ☆ CaN ☆ Be ☆ [*All AMERiCAN BEAUTY*] JuSt ViSiTinG WKND ONLY! = ) - 22
(Tucson, Freeway and Ina Rd In & Outcalls Avail)
*¨¨*-:¦:-SeXi *¨¨*-:¦:-* ReAdY*¨¨*-:¦:- *WaITiNg *¨¨* -:¦:-* five2zerothree 4two........ - 30
(Tucson,AZ Outcall)