Mon 27 Jan
🍪Want something YUMMY?🍪Something 🍨SWEET🍧?? Come get a taste of Ms.Dulce🍬🍒🍭 SWEET&&JUICY;!💦🍧 - 21
WiDe aWaKe aLL NigHT!! (SPeCiaLS eND S00N) SUPER NASTY WHITE GIRL.. (50$) Massive Tits....
(ST MARYS RD & i-10)
Summer isn't the only thing HOTT🌞! This😈HOTTIE😈 is waiting to make u HOTTER🔥than the sun itself! - 21
Beautiful ((((( Succulant ))))) Bodacious Lady ((( of the))) Night --- All Night - 32
(your place please)
Beautiful ((((( Succulant ))))) Bodacious Lady --- All Night 731-1961 - 28
(Tucson, Tucson and surrounding areas)
(50$)2 DayS LeFT *SuPeR NaSTY* FuLLFiLLiNg uR eVeRy DeSiRe!!! CuM KN0CK 0N My / GFE - 21
(ST MARYS RD & i-10)
Sat 11 Jan
UP aLL Day & NiGHT!!! oOo SuPeR FReaKy WHiTe GiRL oOo iM y0UR SLaVe ***50$ SPeCiaL***
(ST MARYS RD & i-10)
♥ [[ Gεn†ℓεmεn's Cho¡cε ]]———[[ √¡ρ ρℓαγmα†ε ]]———[[ F¡√ε ★ Bℓondε ]]———[[ $pεciαℓ$ αℓℓ night! ]] ♥ - 24
(Tucson, Tucson In or Out Anytime)
Fri 10 Jan
°°°°$60 specials available for the rest of hurry take advantage of this sweet one time ° - 24
(22nd, Tucson)
°°°°L€t m€ st@rT yOu® MoNd@¥ oFf R!®hT.....$t!ll aWaKe W@!tIng Fo® ¥oU°°°°° - 24
(Tucson, north Tucson)
Beautiful ((((( Succulant ))))) Bodacious Lady ((( of the))) Night --- All Night - 28
(your place please)
Thu 09 Jan
Back in Town! the' ( ¯`°Sexiest Latin Lips°´¯) 💋ELITE MODEL TYPE companion 💋NEVER a BAIT n Switch! - 25
(Tucson, Downtown i10 incall/Outcall all Tucson)
Wed 08 Jan
Tue 07 Jan
°°°°L€t m€ st@rT yOu® SaTuRd@¥ oFf R!®hT.....$t!ll aWaKe W@!tIng Fo® ¥oU°°°InCaLL ONly°° - 24
(Tucson, north Tucson)
Hot Ebony Bombshell Up All Night In / Out Call Sessions Starting At 100 Roses - 23
(22nd & I-10 Tucson In / Out)
Mon 06 Jan
Your Ultimate ~ BLoNde FAnTasy girl NeXt DooR type BIG BOOTY tons curves - 22
(Tucson, TUCSON /east tucson INCALLS ONLY)
°°°°$80specials available for the rest of hurry take advantage of this sweet one time ° - 24
(/tucson, Tucson)
°°°°$100specials available for the rest of hurry take advantage of this sweet one time ° - 24
(congress & i10, Tucson)
WiDe aWaKe aLL NigHT!! (SPeCiaLS eND S00N) SUPER NASTY WHITE GIRL.. (50$) Massive Tits....
(ST MARYS RD & i-10)
Sun 05 Jan
Your Ultimate ~ BLoNde FAnTasy girl NeXt DooR type BIG BOOTY tons curves - 22
(Tucson, TUCSON /east tucson INCALLS ONLY)
Sat 04 Jan
Summer isn't the only thing HOTT🌞! This😈HOTTIE😈 is waiting to make u HOTTER🔥than the sun itself! - 21
🍪Want something YUMMY?🍪Something 🍨SWEET🍧?? Come get a taste of Ms.Dulce🍬🍒🍭 SWEET&&JUICY;!💦🍧 - 21
Fri 03 Jan
°°°°$80specials available for the rest of hurry take advantage of this sweet one time ° - 24
(/tucson, Tucson)
Thu 02 Jan