Mon 27 Jan
🌸Well behavied women rarely make history!ready for a good time available now - 37
(Tucson, Tucson and surrounding areas)
Tall curvy blue eyed bombshell tight hot and ready let me take u to extacy *520*999*8422 - 25
‼️Smoking Hot latina Ready For A good time💥OUTCALLS ONLY💄💋Call Now - 21
(Central/South Phoenix, Outcalls, Phoenix, Tucson)
💋💦❤ So. CaL. BeAuTy 💋💦❤ HOT •——•❤•——• BRUNETTE BoMbSheLL ❥•ೋ ; ❥ - 25
(Tucson, off Cortaro and 10 fwy)
sExY ♡ video 👄 48eez 👀 bBW 👅 sExY tHiCkaLiCoUs koko wAnTz u2 pUsH iT! - 38
(Phoenix, Phx North, Scottsdale)
💜🌹🍭SPecIaLs⇶║ LET MY N:A:U:G:H:T:Y ║║ iMAGiNATiON ║ ║ TAKE Y:O:U OVER ║ _____ ⇶║ THE EDGE ║ ExOtiC - 22
(Tucson, OutCalls Call Now)
★ ¸.'´¯) _Seduction with a stranger... _ (¯`'.¸ ★ ¸. '´¯)Low rates. STELLAR reviews - 27
(Tucson, Alexia Dior)
☆♥☆ Relax & some stress with a Sexy Sweet 'n' Submissive treat!! ☆♥☆ - 29
(Tucson, ☆ Tucson ★ INCALL ONLY ☆)
$pecials With The Great💎 Diamond 💎. Great Taste 🍑 Great Shape 🍒💦🍒 & Great ⏳ - 23
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(Tucson, Speedway & Alvernon)
(NEW)Gorgeous Petite Girl ( I can satisfy you ) View My Page-Hott New Pics - 22 - 22
(Tucson, tucson in/out calls)
☆°o*° *¨¨*RARE BEAUTY SUPER SEXY Available NOW!!! 100% real Photos*¨¨* *°o☆ - 25
(Tucson, Tucson north, foothills.. Outcall/Incall)
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i got that good, good.come get it..INCALL special.520'658 0289.curvy, naughty beauty,can u keep up? - 23
(Tucson, park/Benson highway-near western min)
**** Italian & Cuban Goddess **** "leaving in the morning get it while ts HOTT" - 22
(Tucson IN/OUT)
Hot MFM Fun - Cute, Sexy Couple in Central Phx In Valleywide Out - 46
(nw Phoenix IN Valleywide OUT)
Beautiful BLONDE w/ SeXy womanly hips & thighs. READY, willing & able to EXCEED your desires & needs - 20
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(Tucson, East Tucson (Incalls))
👑 60 80Uρscαℓε ♥️ U*N*R*U*S*H*E*D ♥️Pure Beauty👑❤★ *♚FREAKY & VERY PASSiONATE *♚ - 22
(Tucson, Downtown)
100hh INCALL Spl:) ☆° ♚* §K¡LL€D L¡P§ & T¡GHT GR¡P§ *♚* ✿•Caℓℓ ★•★* Y✪UNG SW€€T & S€XY SaGE *★* ▓ ▒ - 19
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Mon 13 Jan
☆NEW # GoRgEous ( *AMAZING BLOND BRAZILIAN MIX * )) (( *1OO% REAL* )) XoXo_ ☆ - 19
(Tucson, Tucson/downtown/freeway 10)
Sun 12 Jan
💋NICKIE LYNN💋SwEEt SeXy HoT SeNsAtIoN. ReAdY 2 PaMpEr U💋$60$ IN/CaLL OnLy I-10 EaSt IrViNgToN Rd - 29
BruNette_____ BoMb$heLL____ gReAt Attitude_____ LottA Fun ((( 2 girls also avail ))) - 19
(Stone / speedway)
Available Now..🏆🏆🏆 🇭🇴🇹. 🇸🇪🇽🇾🏆🏆🏆 LAST DAY.... LAST DAY - 22
(Tucson, Tucson 〰I10frwy. ⏩➡Incall🏪only⬅⏪)
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(Central, Tucson)
*SPECIALS* S I N F U L L.Y ❤ S W E E T ❤ - 20
(Tucson, East Tucson Incall)
TReaT YoURseLF tO a GooD TiMe.. i MiGhT eVeN B%L*0¡W YoUR MinD! ..! - 23
(Tucson, Tucson Outcalls Any Location =))
‼️Smoking Hot latina Ready For A good time💥OUTCALLS ONLY💄💋Call Now - 21
(Central/South Phoenix, Outcalls, Phoenix, Tucson)
Hot "MFM" Excitement -Cute Sexy & Fun Couple "D"ouble "P"leasure" - incall available - 46
(river & swan)
Sat 11 Jan
Last Day! Bored? Need an Erotic Exciting Sensual Experience?! Click Here!!! 80 HH Special!! - 23
(East Tucson)